H.E. Paul Mayom (2nd right) and H.E. Madut Biar Yel (2nd left) with Mr George Garang Deng (right), undersecretary, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting and Eng. Stephen Lugga Juma, undersecretary, Ministry of Telecommunications & Postal Services (left) during the web site launch. (Courtesy of GOSS.ORG)
(Victoria BC NSV) – Will it be trick or treat this season? It’s that time of the year when Sudanese give gifts and South Sudanese children go door knocking in search of candies and cakes. Yes, it’s Christmas and it came a little early this month and for a good reason.
The Government of Southern Sudan or GoSS has launched its official website on Thursday, five years after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, which roared it into life in 2005.
“Through the website, millions of our people and partners in all corners of the globe can access information about our country and government readily at the click of a button; and at any time of the day or night,” minister of information and broadcasting Paul Mayom hailed the initiative at the launch in a statement posted on GOSS.ORG.
The launch was no ordinary feat. In attendance at the inaugural event were the minister of information and broadcasting himself, minister of telecommunications & postal services Madut Biar Yel, and their respective undersecretaries and other distinguished guests.
The website provides information on Southern Sudan and GoSS structures. “It also provides the contacts of all GOSS ministries and independent commissions. It is envisaged that this information will enable citizens seeking assistance to contact the relevant officers and receive the sought assistance promptly,” the release reads.
“The ministry of Information & Broadcasting appeals to all citizens of goodwill to help it enrich the web site further by providing feedback through the available contact details.”
GoSS.org was made possible with contributions from the Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) and the World Bank CABIHRD project.
Useful links
The launch of the GoSS website on Thursday is an important addition in this Information Age where citizens and journalists demand unfettered acess to information. Yesterday’s inauguration may be the biggest, but it would not be the first time GoSS went digital. Some of the ministries and government structures already making strides in the cyber world include the following:
GoSS Missions USA
Website: http://www.gossmission.org/
GoSS Mission Brussels
GoSS Mission Egypt
Website: http://www.gossegypt.com/en/
South Sudan Legislative Assembly
Website: http://www.sslagoss.org/home.php
SPLA Military
Ministry of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Website: http://www.moest.gov.sd
Ministry of Telecommuncation and Postal Services
Website: http://www.motps.goss.org/
Commerce and Industry
Website: http://www.commerce-goss.org
Roads and Transport
Irrigation and Water Resouces
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